Arkworld Business Testimonials

1. David – I have been working on my Arkworld business in my spare time around my full time job for the last 6 months and the extra £1200 a month has made a lot of difference to our lifestyle. I look forward to greater things in the future! Thank you Mark for these great products and opportunity; Arkworld is the best!
2. Gosia - I am a coffee waitress in a local cafe and just selling ShipShape to my friends has given me enough money to go on holiday abroad. In my first month I made £447.95 and qualified for Executive.
3. Jennifer - As a mother of two I am so pleased to have given up my part-time job to be at home with my children building my Arkworld business around my family. Arkworld has given me a whole new lease of life! Thank you so much Mark!
4. Matt - I am a Personal Trainer and recommend all Arkworld products to my clients. With my retail profit and my royalty cheque I have doubled my regular income.
5. Andrew - I am a Health Professional working in London and recommend the Arkworld products to my patients. I am so pleased with the results they are getting that I recommend the Arkworld business opportunity to other Health Professionals that I know; we are all making such a difference to so many people. Last month the company paid me £1,330.15 for just a few hours work helping people.
6. Gary - I was a Kangaroo Farmer in Australia and built my Arkworld business in London, UK. In 6 months with just 100 people in my team my Royalty cheque was over £5000 per month. What an incredible marketing plan this is! Thank you Arkworld!
7. Isabelle - I have a very successful and famous Health Clinic in London and was so impressed with these products, that now most of my clients go home with them. They are simply the best bio available products on the market! Thank you Mark & Jeff!
8. Claire – I am a bodybuilder and personal trainer and decided to start building an Arkworld business due to amazing results that I got from taking the new ShipShape products. These fat burning products sell themselves; everyone wants them. Working very part time, I was able to receive a royalty cheque of £181.83 and sold over £1,100 of products in just my second month. Love ShipShape!
9. Paul – Working part time around my full time job as a Tennis Coach, I was able to earn over £560 in just my very first month building my Arkworld business. Love this; let’s all get into ShipShape!
10. Anna – Working as a sales assistant in London I came across Arkworld from a local advertisement and decided to give the number a call. Bored and looking for a change I now have found what I have been looking for. Arkworld is an incredible opportunity with the best products I have ever used. After qualifying for Executive and earning over £1,300 retail profit in month, I am so excited about the future and working for myself. Thank you Arkworld!
11. Beverley – As a local hairdresser wishing to lose weight, a friend of mine told me about the ShipShape products and after losing over 10lbs and several inches in my first month, I have decided to build a part time Arkworld business. I absolutely love this and find it so easy to do. Everyone I speak to including all my customers want ShipShape. Looking forward to a very successful ShipShape business in 2016!
12. Stephen – As an Ex marine and personal trainer, I have managed to build a part time Arkworld business in the last 6 months that paid me over £2,100 last month. Now ShipShape is here I look forward to doubling that income next year! Thank you Mark and Arkworld!
13. Emily – I love working my part time Arkworld business around looking after my three children. The extra £500 a month comes in very handy and with very little effort and with only a few hours a week to give to my business, this suits me very well. I am so grateful I found this opportunity! Thank you Arkworld! ShipShape here we come!
14. Linda – Around my full time job as a secretary, last month I qualified for NET Team with Arkworld and managed to earn more with Arkworld part time than with my full time job. Sponsoring is the key! This is such an exciting company; love the Pink Drink and ShipShape is the best! Thank you Mark for all your help and advice!
15. Richard – Having just joined Arkworld I managed to qualify for Executive in my first month and sold 27 ShipShape packs around my full time job as an IT Consultant! Love these products!!!
16. Sam – After getting great results as a customer, I started recommending the Arkworld products to all my family, friends and people at work. In just over 6 months with about 80 people in my team I qualified as a Director in the company and last month Arkworld paid me over £3,500 in Royalties and Commissions. This is so easy and the products are so good! A Team, here we come. Thanks Mark!
17. Liz – As a completely bored housewife I heard about Arkworld from a friend of mine and decided to give it a go. I managed to qualify for Executive in my first month and in my second month I made just over £750 profit doing only about an hour a day by running a Lose Weight with ShipShape advert in my local paper. This is so exciting, what great products!
18. Debra – I am a Nutritional Therapist and recommend Arkworld products to all my clients. These products are the best I have ever come across and feel obligated to get as many people using them as possible! Thank you Arkworld!
19. Miguel – I am a Chiropractor in London and have most of my patients using X-Cell and the Ark 1 product with outstanding success! I have absolute confidence in these products and recommend them to everyone. Thank you Arkworld for this incredible opportunity!
20. Raquel – I was introduced to Arkworld when I met a friend of mine wearing a Pink Drink badge. Really cool! As an International fashion model I started taking the Pink Drink and recommending it to everyone I meet. This business is so easy and a lot of fun! Everyone gets results on the Pink Drink and now I have everyone getting into ShipShape too! Last month the company paid me an additional £2,300 for little effort on my part. What a great company, everyone is so nice and helpful! Let’s get everyone Arkanised as Mark would say. Thank you Arkworld and thank you Mark!
21. Chris – As an Acupuncturist I have now introduced Arkworld products to all my patients. Although this is a great second income, it’s the help that these products can give to people that is so rewarding. It is a breath of fresh air to be able to recommend such innovative, natural products like these that are this affective!
22. Angelina – I am a Beautician who came across Arkworld by searching for leading Anti-Aging products online. After trying the Pink Drink, I was completely amazed by how great I looked and felt. Now with my ShipShape business too, I have made enough money to be able to take a Christmas holiday in Hawaii. Thank you Arkworld!
23. Lesley – Having gained quite a bit of weight working as a chef, a friend of mine put me on ShipShape. WOW! I have hardly changed anything and the fat is falling off me; what incredible products! Now I have started my ShipShape business around my full time job and qualified for Executive in my first month; I made £449.40 profit! Love this!
24. Alex – With a background in Journalism I started my ShipShape business after losing 25 lbs in 2 months on the products. Sold 23 ShipShape packs last month with ease! These fat burners are phenomenal! ShipShape is the best!!!!
25. John – After losing 10lbs in weight on ShipShape in three weeks I decided to become a distributor around my full time job as a heating engineer. Love this company, great people! ShipShape is so easy to sell and last month I managed to get 13 people to join my team and become distributors just by wearing the badge and telling testimonials as Mark taught me. Looking forward to going full time and building a ShipShape business in 2017!

Disclaimer: Any income results or success stories outlined in this article are not necessarily typical of the income or kind of success that you may achieve in your area by becoming an Independent Arkworld Distributor. Any income or success obtained in Arkworld as an Independent distributor is always down to the individuals own effort, hard work and time they put into the business. Any false claims of guaranteed income stories are strictly prohibited!