Arkworld's Stairway to Success & Qualifications
To Qualify:
1) Register as a Distributor by completing the Registration Process.
2) Qualify to purchase products between 20 - 40% discount depending on volume and wherever a Distributor would want to start in the (m)Arketing Plan.
When a person comes on board the Ark and joins the Arkworld family of Distributors, he or she will complete the simple registration process and agree to the terms and conditions provided upon application. They will be allowed to then purchase products from the company at a minimum of 20% discount so that they can use the products themselves and benefit from the results.
However, some people may wish to start further up the sliding scale and receive higher discounts and buying privileges between 20 - 40% in their qualifying month, achieving personal volume that takes them from 20%, through to Consultant at 25%, then 30%, 35% and then finally, up to 40% Executive position by achieving 800 personal volume (pv) points. At the Executive level they will receive the maximum discount and buying privileges available in the company.
A Distributor will be allowed to retail and sponsor other people into the business and work their way up to the other positions in the (m)Arketing Plan, to be able to receive the other commissions and bonuses available. A Distributor can also receive guidance, meetings, training and support from the Arkworld team to help them achieve their goals and dreams with the Arkworld Business Opportunity.
Active Distributor
A Distributor who orders 100 personal volume (pv) points of products either as a onetime order or with accumulated volume through a calendar month is called an Active Distributor.
To Qualify:
Must achieve 200 personal volume (pv) points in one calendar month and have reached 25% retail buying privileges on the sliding scale.
Receives Once Qualified:
1) Earns between 25 - 40% retail profit
2) Earns an Ark Royalty Kommission of 2, 4, 8 and 16% on any Distributors personal volume points, 4 levels deep in their first 2 x 4 Ark.
Please Note: Once qualified a Consultant a distributor must achieve 200 personal volume (pv) points monthly and maintain 2 personally sponsored Active Distributors, each with a minimum of 100 personal volume (pv) points, to continue to receive an Ark Royalty Kommission cheque every month.
To Qualify: (3 ways to qualify)
A Distributor must achieve 800 total volume (tv) points in their qualifying month to become an Executive, in either of the following ways:
1) By purchasing a minimum of 800 personal volume (pv) points or dollars of business (1 dollar = I volume point) in one calendar month and achieving 40% retail buying privileges on the sliding scale. (This volume can be achieved as a onetime order at 40% or accumulated throughout the calendar month.
2) By achieving 800 total volume (tv) points in one calendar month with a minimum of 300 of those points being unencumbered. (Unencumbered means excluding any volume from your personally sponsored distributors). (Personal Volume (pv) + Group Volume (gv) = Total Volume (tv))
For Example: A Distributor could personally sponsor 5 Active Distributors, with a minimum of 100 personal volume (pv) points each (This is the equivalent of 500 group volume (gv) points) and achieve 300 personal volume (pv) points themselves and qualify as an Executive. (500 gv + 300 pv = 800 tv points).
3) The last way to qualify as an Executive would be to achieve 500 total volume (tv) points in 2 consecutive months, (300 of these points must be unencumbered in both months).
Points To Remember:
1) To receive an Ark Royalty Kommission cheque a fully qualified Executive would still have to have personally sponsored 2 Active Distributors (each with 100 personal volume points) as well as having achieved the 200 personal volume points in one calendar month.
2) To receive an Ark Matching Bonus cheque a fully qualified Executive would still have to have personally sponsored 4 Active Distributors (each with 100 personal volume points) as well as having achieved 400 personal volume points in one calendar month.
Receives Once Qualified:
1) Earns a 40% buying privilege or retail profit on Arkworld’s products for life.
2) Earns an Ark Royalty Kommission cheque of 2, 4, 8 and 16 % on any Distributors personal volume points, 4 levels deep, in the first 2 x 4 Ark and any Breakaway Arks as well. Also an Executive would earn an Ark Royalty Kommission on any of their Distributors Breakaway Arks as well, providing that those people are in the Executives first 4 levels.
3) Earns an Ark Matching Bonus of 2, 4, 8 and 16% on any Distributors personal volume points in their organisation 4 levels deep from any personally sponsored Active Distributor within the Executives Ark or Breakaway Arks. (Can earn up to 7 levels deep in their organisation)
Please note: Once qualified, an Executive must achieve the following every month, to qualify to receive an Ark Royalty Kommission and an Ark Matching Bonus.
1) A minimum of 400 personal volume (pv) points per calendar month.
2) Maintain a minimum of 4 personally sponsored Active Distributors with a minimum of 100 personal volume points each.
Failure to Qualify: If an Executive failed to achieve 400 personal volume (pv) points or 4 personally sponsored Active Distributors with 100 personal volume each and for example, they only achieved 300 personal volume (pv) points and 3 Active Distributors, they would be paid an Ark Royalty Kommission on their first Ark of 4 levels just as a Consultant would be, but they would not be paid an Ark Matching Bonus.
Special Recognition
An Executive also receives:
1. Special recognition from the company and other leading Distributors for achieving this first big step towards the Leadership Teams.
2. A place in the elite EXECUTIVE WORKSHOPS, to be part of special Leadership Development Trainings, conference calls and meetings.
3. Executive Certificate of Achievement, signed by Mark Landon (President & Founder).
Leadership Teams
To Qualify:
A National Expansion Team Member would obviously have to achieve and fulfill all the qualifications and requirements of an Executive with one added difference, as follows...
Achieve 10,000 Organisational Volume Points* or dollars of business for 2 consecutive months.
* Organizational Volume, being 4 levels deep and 4 levels deep from any personally sponsored Distributor that he or she earns an Ark Matching Bonus from in any of their Arks.
Please note: Once qualified, as with Executive, a N.E.T Team Member must maintain 400 personal volume (pv) points and 4 personally sponsored Active Distributors every month, to continue to receive an Ark Royalty Kommission and an Ark Matching Bonus.
Receives Once Qualified:
A National Expansion Team Member receives all the amazing benefits of an Executive, with one added special bonus – An Ark Breakaway Bonus!
A 2% Ark Breakaway Bonus will be paid to all N.E.T Team Members and above, on every Distributor in every 2 x 4 Breakaway Ark that they have filled up and on all their Distributors Breakaway Arks as well, providing of course that they are in the N.E.T Team Members first 4 levels.
Qualification for the Ark Breakaway Bonus
To qualify to receive an Ark Breakaway Bonus, a National Expansion Team member must achieve an extra 100 personal volume (pv) points and have acquired 1 extra personally sponsored Active Distributor per month, on top of the 400 personal volume (pv) points and the 4 personally sponsored Active Distributors that they need to receive an A.R.K and an Ark Matching Bonus.
In total, to receive this additional Bonus a National Expansion Team Member would need to have 5 personally sponsored Active Distributors and achieve 500 personal volume (pv) points monthly.
Special Recognition
A National Expansion Team Member also receives:
1. N.E.T Team members will receive special recognition on becoming part of Arkworld’s coveted Leadership Teams.
2. They will also take part in special Leadership Team meetings, trainings, conference calls and receptions, open only to those Distributors who are fully qualified Leadership Team Members, all the way from N.E.T Team, right the way up to the coveted A Team.
3. Lastly, N.E.T Members will be presented with a Certificate of Achievement, signed by Mark Landon, (President & Founder) and a special N.E.T Team Dove Pin for their lapel.
Every step in life is an important one but surely there can be none greater, than the first step we take. To qualify for N.E.T Team is such an important and great achievement because it is the first step onto the Leadership Teams STAIRWAY TO SUCCESS and once you have reached this position; you are truly on your way to achieving the kind of success that your qualities as a person and a leader deserve.
“You are now on the Arkworld Leaders Yellow Brick Road to The A Team.”
Next Stop... DIRECTOR
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Become an Arkworld Independent Distributor, complete the online registration and start your new Arkworld business today!
(Make sure you have our Sponsors ID of 2439 - if you need assistance please contact us)
Click here to begin our simple 7-step registration process
#MLM #ResidualIncome #WorkFromHome
To Qualify:
A Director would obviously have to achieve and fulfill all the qualifications and requirements of a National Expansion Team Member, with the following added difference...
Achieve 20,000 Organisational Volume Points or dollars of business for 2 consecutive months.
Please note: As with all the other positions and Leadership Teams in the Arketing Plan, once qualified, a Director must maintain 400 personal volume (pv) points and 4 personally sponsored Active Distributors every month, to continue to receive an Ark Royalty Kommission and an Ark Matching Bonus.
Receives Once Qualified:
A Director receives all the benefits, bonuses and recognition of a National Expansion Team Member, plus with one added special Leadership Bonus - The Ark Infinity Bonus!
A 2% Ark Infinity Bonus will be paid to all those Distributors who have reached the position of Director in the Arketing Plan, on their entire organisation to infinite levels.
Qualification for the Ark Infinity Bonus
To qualify for this very special Bonus, where cheques can double, treble and go through the roof, a Director would need to do an additional 200 personal volume (pv) points on top of their 500 personal volume (pv) points that they have to do every month in order to receive their other Commissions and Bonuses at National Expansion Team level. This makes a total of 700 personal volume personal volume (pv) points that they would need to achieve every month to receive all of Arkworld's payments at this level.
A Director must also have 7 personally sponsored Active Distributors, of which at least 2 of them have achieved Executive Status, to receive this special Bonus.
Therefore, If a Director achieves:
1) 400 personal volume (pv) points + 4 personally sponsored Active Distributors, they would receive an Ark Royalty Kommission + an Ark Matching Bonus.
2) 500 personal volume (pv) points + 5 personally sponsored Active Distributors, they would receive an Ark Royalty Kommission + Ark Matching Bonus + Ark Breakaway Bonus
3) 700 personal volume (pv) points + 7 personally sponsored Active Distributors (2 at least at Executive Level), they would receive all the above + a 2% Ark Infinity Bonus.
Special Recognition
Directors would also receive all the recognition and awards that National Expansion Team Members receive, as well as the following...
1. Directors will not only be able to take part in special Leadership Team meetings, trainings, conference calls and receptions etc, but they will also be able to represent the corporation of ARKWORLD, in corporate meetings, trainings and workshops globally.
2. Directors will also be in a very exclusive club of Leadership Teams, which take part on exclusive conference calls and in secret meetings, hosted by Mark Landon, (President & Founder) and work alongside Mark in creating the future Leadership and Development of the company.
3. With every Big Event that the company does, Arkworld’s Directors will also have special V.I.P Seating and well deserved Leadership Recognition.
4. Directors will also be presented with a Certificate of Achievement signed by Mark Landon, (President & Founder) and a very special Director Dove Pin for their lapel.
Your next stop on the Yellow Brick Road to the A Team is... MILLIONAIRES CLUB!!
To Qualify:
A Millionaires Club Member would obviously have to achieve and fulfill all the qualifications and requirements of a Director, with the following added difference...
Achieve 50,000 Organisational Volume Points or dollars of business for 2 consecutive months.
Please note: As with all the other positions and Leadership Teams in the Arketing Plan, once qualified, a Millionaires Club Member must maintain 400 personal volume (pv) points and 4 personally sponsored Active Distributors every month, to continue to receive an Ark Royalty Kommission and an Ark Matching Bonus.
Receives Once Qualified:
A Millionaires Club Member receives all the benefits, payouts, bonuses and recognition as a Director, but with one added difference...
The Ark Infinity Bonus goes up to 4%.
A 4% Ark Infinity Bonus will be paid to all those Distributors who have reached the position of Millionaires Club in the Arketing Plan, on their entire organisation to Infinite levels.
Qualification for the Ark Infinity Bonus at this level
Incredibly the qualification for this Bonus remains the same as the Director position in the Company, apart from of course, achieving 50,000 Organisational Volume Points in your group.
In other words, the qualification required is that the said distributor must have 700 personal volume (pv) points and 7 personally sponsored Active Distributors, of which 2 of these must have achieved Executive Status or above.
No extra Qualifications for Millionaires Club Members; in fact the only difference is...
A Millionaires Club Member gets more money with a 4% Ark Infinity Bonus.
Special Recognition
A Millionaires Club Member would receive all the recognition, awards and accolades of a Director in the company, as well as the following:
1. To hold the prestigious title of being a Millionaires Club Member of Arkworld.
2. Also to be presented with a Millionaires Club Certificate of Achievement, signed by Mark Landon (President & Founder) and a special Millionaires Club Dove Pin for their lapel.
Your next step on Arkworld’s Yellow Brick Road, is your Final Destination...
The most prestigious and sort after position in Arkworld’s STAIRWAY TO SUCCESS Arketing Plan....
“Yes, your next stop is ‘The Best of the Best’
The Prestigious and Elite, A TEAM!!.”
To Qualify:
The Elite Exclusive A Team Members would obviously have to achieve and fulfill all the qualifications and requirements of a Director, with the following added difference...
Achieve 100,000 Organisational Volume Points or dollars of business for 2 consecutive months.
Please Note: Again, as with the other positions and Leadership Teams in the Arketing Plan, once qualified, an A Team Member must maintain 400 personal volume (pv) points and 4 personally sponsored Active Distributors every month, to continue to receive an Ark Royalty Kommission and an Ark Matching Bonus.
Receives Once Qualified:
An A Team Member receives all the benefits, payouts, bonuses and recognition as a Millionaires Club Member, but with this added difference - The Ark Infinity Bonus goes up to 6%.
A 6% Ark Infinity Bonus will be paid to all those Distributors who have reached the position of A Team in the Arketing Plan, on their entire organisation to Infinite levels.
Qualification for the Ark Infinity Bonus at this level
Incredibly the qualification for this Bonus remains the same as The Millionaire Cub and The Director Positions in the Company, which is 700 personal volume (pv) points and 7 personally sponsored Active Distributors every month, of which at least 2 of these Distributors must have achieved Executive Status or above.
Obviously, the one difference is that an A Team Member would have to have 100,000 Organizational Volume Points or dollars of business monthly in their down line business.
Special Recognition
An A Team Member would receive all the recognition, awards, accolades and plaudits that the Millionaires Club Members receive, as well as the coveted title of being in the most prestigious Team in the Arkworld Company. This is not only the top team in Arkworld but an Elite club and a group of rare individuals that have reached the pinnacle of their careers!
1. A Team Members will be working personally with Mark Landon, (President & Founder of Arkworld) the Medical Team and all the staff, in taking Arkworld completely around the entire world.
2. They will be assisting in running the company and making decisions that will affect all of us.
3. Also, along with Mark Landon they will be corporately representing the company around the world and giving special trainings in personal development and leadership to help the company to grow!
4. They will be part of an Exclusive Top 10 Meeting, to be held regularly and wherever they go they will be the Ark pioneers of the company.
5. They will be speaking at the World Wide Annual Extravaganza's, teaching and helping Distributors from all over the world to develop their skills and business. At every extravaganza, they will travel in style and stay in some of the best and finest hotels in the world.
6. Also A Team Members will be presented at the Annual Extravaganza, with a special A Team Certificate of Achievement, signed and presented by Mark Landon.
7. They will receive a special Diamond Encrusted, Rainbow Jewelled Dove, A Team Pin for their lapel presented at Arkworld’s Worldwide Annual Extravaganza.
Most of all, the greatest reward is, they get to proudly say...
They made it to the Top Team and Top Position in the Best Company in the World!
“See YOU there!!.”
Sign Up Now!
Become an Arkworld Independent Distributor, complete the online registration and start your new Arkworld business today!
(Make sure you have our Sponsors ID of 2439 - if you need assistance please contact us)
Click here to begin our simple 7-step registration process