We've put together a list of ideas to help get through the loneliness or beat the periods of inactivity that are bad for your health!
Beating loneliness:-
1. Stay connected to friends and family. Direct messages are useful for staying connected but real conversation is more important. So make that call long and personal to those who love and care for you!
2. Engage new people with similar interests. The internet has many free friendship sites where you can discover new friends with similar interests.
3. Find people who share your hobbies on Instagram and Twitter using the basic search facility. You will be able to engage with people that share your interests much easier than with a random individual.

Keeping yourself busy:-
1. Have a garden? Then why not attend to the basic maintenance while the sun is shining! Nothing better than being active in the fresh air!
2. Housekeeping! Don't put it off, just an hour a day is good activity for the body and will keep you focused on the task in hand. You may even discover some items you thought lost!
3. Decorating....there's always a room that needs a touch up or even become a new project for you while you're locked down. Just remember to keep the window open to allow the paint smell to dissipate.
4. Baking! What better way than to get stuck in cooking something nice or unusual for the family! We're sure there is an old recipe you haven't cooked up for a while!

Being Creative:-
1. Former amateur artist that's lost their creative spark? Well there's no better time to get back into it than when you're in isolation. Get out your old acrylics, water colours or oils and settle in to paint any subject of your choosing!
2. Interested in beading? Kids love the simplicity of making bead jewellery and it's relatively inexpensive to get into. You can get a simple kit here:- https://amzn.to/2ydoGzJ
After all, this lockdown could last for many more weeks!
3. Knitting & Cross-stitch. Some of the oldest skills are still the most engrossing. At a time when a lengthy distraction is welcome, creating a jumper or cardigan for a loved one to wear in the winter months would be a superb idea and a great gift! You can find some amazing Cross Stitch kits here:- https://amzn.to/2K0GUr8
1. Exercise should be a key part of your day when locked down in isolation. It doesn't have to be strenuous for you. Simple step exercises with bending and stretching are enough to keep the circulation going while you are stuck indoors. You can find some basic exercise here:- https://www.ark1pinkdrink.com/sports-accessories
You can find many fitness professionals that offer free videos via Youtube for your daily exercise tuition. Make sure you favourite them so you can revisit each day to continue your exercise regime.

Personal Development:-
1. The greatest challenges in life are often the ones you set for yourself. So set yourself a new project. It can be skill based, goal based or income based. There's nothing more exciting than achieving a goal and then setting yourself a much harder one straight away!
2. Old project recovery....had an old project that failed? Why not pick it back up and turn it into a success. Half the fun in business comes from failing! All the knowledge gleaned from failing is a key part of becoming a success. You may fail several times on an area of a project before you find the way forward. Failing doesn't mean you were a failure yourself, it just means you found several ways not to do a task before finding the best way to do it.
3. Project improvement......just because a project has been delivered it doesn't mean it's the best it can be. Analyze it to understand it's makeup. Study each part in detail and identify what works well and can be enlarged upon and what needs improvement and more investment of time and/or money to make it more efficient.
4. Study,Practice,Teach. This is a simple process repeated by all business leaders. They never stop learning! Running simple exercises in business also helps to find flaws in the business plan which can later be corrected. Teaching allows the individual to constantly improve, as teaching the same material over time allows for discovery of new methods and understanding. Also understanding every element of the taught material allows for the best value teaching to the students who can have a fully tailored lesson based on the tutors experience in teaching to different age and experience students.
5. Networking! There is no greater challenge or reward than networking! Linking together the lives and businesses from a hundred different backgrounds is something that few people ever do but is certainly one of the most rewarding goals that a human being can achieve. Understanding how other people and cultures live their lives can lead to the betterment of our own existence as we learn new skills that make us a better person with a clearer focus on our place in the world.
Networking is a great way to develop friendships but also to develop your own business to earn a life changing income. Making the same amount a month as you do now in a year is a fantastic goal to set yourself! It's a goal achieved by working with others because when you help others to get what they want, you will get everything that you want! It's an old adage first taught in the Bible but it's as true today as it ever was!
To be taught the basics of networking, just leave your details with us on our website here:- LINK
If you're really struggling in these difficult times, please don't hesitate to contact us for support using this LINK.